30 Day Meditation Challenge

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Day 14 - Future Self (Extended Version)

by Vanessa Loder | 30 Day Challenge

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  • Avatar photo Pamela Johns says:

    I enjoyed this meditation! During this longer meditation it was easier for me to get into a state that I think what must be what I have read about from other people’s experiences. I was able to visualize some things easily, but blanked on what kind of work I may be doing, perhaps because I am currently trying to figure out what other kind of work I would like to do.
    Thank you for all the meditations. I appreciate your encouraging messages. This is the first time I have been able to meditate consistently. The second one and this one were the most impactful for me so far. Namaste.

    • Avatar photo Vanessa Loder says:

      Love to hear that you are finding your favorites and what works best for you! It’s so powerful when you can get into a consistant practice with meditation. The longer ones can sometimes be helpful when visualizing, depending on how you are feeling on a particular day. So glad you have joined us Pamela, and can’t wait to hear more!

  • Avatar photo Lyn says:

    Fantastic meditation. Thank you 💕🙏

  • Avatar photo Carmen Clay says:

    It was a great journey. The journaling will be done later on.

  • Avatar photo Clara says:

    Wow! It was such a deep, challenging and awakening exercise, Vanessa! It was a really touching and moving practice today. Namasté, from my heart.

  • Avatar photo Cheryl says:

    Such a great exercise! Along with wishes and dreams, I am reminded of how lucky I am in my life right now.

  • Avatar photo Alice Foley says:

    The initial images were very clear and the meditation was magical.

  • Avatar photo Clara says:

    I was in tears by the end of the meditation, Vanessa (last night I fell asleep while doing it so I’ve just done it again)… I’ve got so emotional, seeing and thinking of my future self. May all my dreams come true 🤞🏾. Thanks a million ❤️🌈♥️.

  • Avatar photo Clara says:

    Thank you, Vanessa. Loved it!

  • Avatar photo brooke shapiro says:

    I just can’t do it!! I’ve tried now 5 times and can’t seem my futute

    • Avatar photo Vanessa Loder says:

      Don’t panic! It’s all fine. Sometimes you may not see anything, but instead get a feeling in your body, or a vague sense of knowing about something. The more you can relax and enjoy the experience, the more your thinking mind will quiet. When the mind starts chattering saying ‘this isn’t working! I’m not seeing anything. I’m no good at this” simply say “thank you mind, I’ve got this. I’m going to re-focus on the meditation and just relax and enjoy this experience.” If you keep trying and not seeing anything, let it go. give it a break, maybe come back to this meditation in a week or a month. But also remember that not everyone has a visual experience, you could hear something, sense something, see colors or have a feeling or sensation in your body. If you feel completely numb and see nothing, simply set the intention to be open and relaxed the next time you listen to the meditation, take a break, and try again at a later date.

  • Avatar photo Susan says:

    I have difficulty visualizing things in my mind’s eye. This is called aphantasia, and a small percentage of people have this. Do you have any suggestions for doing a meditation such as this one that involves visualization?

    • Avatar photo Vanessa Loder says:

      If you have difficulty visualizing things in your mind’s eye, simply notice the sensations in your body instead. Are there any feelings, emotions, sensations in your body? Or sounds? Maybe you get an intuition about something or hear a message from your future self such as, “love is what really matters.” Rather than trying to force a visualization, simply relax and notice what is happening in the moment for you.

  • Avatar photo Kathy says:

    Thank you for sharing these reminders!!💗

  • Avatar photo Karen says:

    I’ve done this meditation before and it is always amazing. Thank you Vanessa!

  • Avatar photo Kwadwo Joyner says:

    WOW!!! I thoroughly enjoyed this meditation. As I was walking through my house it was like a door was opening in each room. Foggy but once I stepped in I could see clearer. I could not see all the details of the room or my life but I was happy and it was real to me. I like my future self my goals to help me get down that path. Thank you.

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