Hey, I’m
A women’s leadership expert, author, YPO CFF, inspirational speaker and energetic spark plug committed to helping you expand – and redefine – your life’s possibilities.

Daily Mindfulness Meditations
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30 Day Meditation Challenge
I spent nearly ten years following the traditional route of what I should do.
I worked my tail off on Wall Street, got my MBA from Stanford, achieved “success,” but lost touch with my own inner voice…until I couldn’t ignore it any longer.
The whispers became louder telling me something BIGGER was missing.
I wanted deeper purpose and meaning in my life.
I felt like I had climbed to the top of the ladder only to realize…crap! Wrong ladder.
I’d achieved “success,” but it didn’t lead to happiness or fulfillment, and that confused me.
This led to a lot of soul searching.
My overachiever went nuts studying personal development and mindfulness. From immersing myself in the neuroscience behind behavior change to a certification in hypnosis and past life healing – you name it, I’ve (probably) tried it.
Let’s just say I experimented with some “woo woo” sh*t.
And guess what? A lot of it really worked!
This self exploration deeply changed me in a positive way.

I finally WOKE UP.
I stopped living other people’s dreams and started pursuing my own. I quit my job in finance and became dedicated to sharing these life changing tools and strategies with other women and executives who were struggling with similar battles.
Clarity + PURPOSE
I’m here to guide you through the process of gaining clarity and creating the life you really want. To stop wasting time on things that aren’t aligned and help you discover the “right” path for you. To feel empowered and genuinely fulfilled in whichever career or life path calls to you.
Through free resources, online courses, keynote speaking, in person retreats, YPO Facilitation and my tried and true roadmap, creating lasting change in your life is possible. You can get clear on your values and redefine success on your terms, with support and guidance each step of the way.

From hosting workshops for YPO and Google, to giving a Tedx talk…
… to being trained in meditation and hypnosis, I’m a believer and an example of how mindful living and creating a conscious business go hand in hand. Here’s a snapshot of my life and values:
My definition of success includes plenty of time with family
Speaking at Google HQ
Leading a workshop for a Stanford GSB women’s group
Stanford Business School Graduation
A percent of profit from this site helps educate girls in Africa
Parenting two little ones ain’t always easy or pretty…#realparenting

Over the last 10 years at Google, myself and my team have attended hundreds of hours of corporate trainings. When I saw what Vanessa did differently, and heard about her other Fortune 500 clients that have had tremendous success, I knew I had to hire her to bring something unique… I have never gotten such positive feedback from Googlers before. I will hire Vanessa again hands down.
I understand all too well the feeling of burnout. The feeling of knowing deep down that you’re chasing the wrong kind of achievement.
So much of our time is spent suppressing the instincts and inklings of what we really desire. Leaving us tired, uninspired and living a pre-programmed life on autopilot.
If you’ve made it this far down the page, and something’s telling you that there’s more out there for you…I can assure you, there is.
My commitment to you is to help you awaken to your soul’s desires , and realize the power that already exists within you. Once you trust your intuition, it becomes louder and clearer. Your choices in life become more aligned with who you really are. This is how you create the career and life you’ve always imagined.
Trust me, you’ve got this.

“Vanessa provided me with powerful tools, resources, and deep connections with other women. Vanessa’s optimism, confidence, and authenticity is contagious — her leadership energized me to take risks and to move forward with my own professional dream. “
Opportunity to
I was still working in private equity when I went to my first meditation retreat at Spirit Rock, a day-long just for women. To say it was extremely difficult to quiet my monkey mind is an understatement.
Late in the day, I finally reached a place of stillness and felt the powerful presence in the room wash over me. In that moment, this thought came through me.
I’ve been chasing the wrong kind of power my whole life.
As I looked around the room at all the women meditating, and saw the peaceful, wise teacher at the front of the room with silver streaks in her hair, I thought; “This is the kind of power I want. That’s in this room. That’s in me. That’s in all of us.”
I’m still ambitious and have big, bold goals and dreams. The difference is that I’m now pursuing them in a wholehearted and sustainable way. I listen to my intuition and I trust a deeper wisdom that’s within me and that’s within each of us.
If I can leave a traditional career to do this radically different type of work, imagine what’s possible for YOU!
Sometimes all it takes is one small step to allow the opportunity to unfold.
In my programs, I blend inner work with proven outer results. Clients receive personalized, proven strategies and concrete tools to put into practice right away to create work (and a life!) you love.
“Vanessa’s own journey of leaving a successful career in finance to follow her inner knowing and develop these kinds of workshops is a beacon for others looking to make a big, scary pivot at any phase of life.”
“I feel stronger, more optimistic, and more confident that I’m on the right path. Thank you Vanessa for the practical tools and approaches, and the magic.”