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The Secret to Sustainable Success
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Discover the 3 Mistakes That Keep Ambitious Women Overwhelmed and Exhausted – and How You Can Eliminate Them!
Redefine what’s possible.
The Secret to Sustainable Success
Discover the 3 Mistakes That Keep Ambitious Women Overwhelmed and Exhausted – and How You Can Eliminate Them!

Hi, I’m Vanessa
A women’s leadership expert, author, speaker, YPO CFF and energetic spark plug committed to helping you expand what’s possible for your life and to creating a world that redefines power as we know it.
As Seen In

Is about helping you get what you most want in life with greater ease and …
(dare I say it)
After working on Wall Street, I got a Stanford MBA and was a successful investor in Silicon Valley.
I climbed to the top of the ladder, only to realize…crap! Wrong ladder.
So I studied with some of the most prominent neuroscientists, mindfulness experts, coaches and healers in the world.

Work With Me
Whether you’re looking for a dynamic keynote speaker for a professional conference, YPO forum or retreat facilitation, leadership program, women’s leadership event, or you’d like a custom workshop or webinar, I’ve got you covered! All of my keynote speaking, YPO and career programs combine engaging, compelling storytelling with the latest cutting-edge research as well as practical tools and tips you can apply right away to create lasting change. Learn more below:
Online Courses
Learn more about Vanessa’s life changing Online Courses and Career Programs for women at a crossroads or major transition.
Ready to take the leap?
YPO forum & retreats
As a YPO Certified Forum Facilitator, Vanessa has over a decade of experience facilitating groups of highly successful executives.
Need a CFF for your YPO Forum or Retreat?

Sign up for free Daily Mindfulness Meditations
Vanessa’s 30 Day Meditation Challenge
Get Short, Guided Mindfulness Meditations for 30 days, FREE.

A New Era in Women’s Leadership
It’s time to change how we live and work. Here are some ways to get started:

Tedx Talk: How To Lean In Without Burning Out
Renowned keynote speaker and women’s leadership expert Vanessa Loder shares her story of being a self described over-achiever whose endless quest for perfectionism and unfulfilling experience of continual career climbing left her burned out, exhausted and eager to find another way. Watch Vanessa’s Tedx which has over 100,000 views now.

Why American Mothers Have Less Leisure Time And Find Ourselves Overwhelmed And Exhausted
Did you know that Danish mothers have, on average, one and a half hours of leisure time every day that is spent in “pure” or child-free time to themselves? American mothers, in contrast, have about thirty-six minutes a day to themselves.

Fast Company: The Secret Society Of Parents From Tech’s Biggest Companies
A year ago, working moms in tech gathered in secret to talk about how to change things for working parents. Now they are taking their mission public. Vanessa Loder says that executive women who have kids tell her: “I just want a meaty and meaningful role that’s part-time or flexible. Why is that so hard to find?”
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this woman was over-committed…and she realized something important.
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