Bring Calm to Any Crisis

This year has brought unprecedented change. Many of us are feeling all the feelings. 

In times of uncertainty, it’s even more important to invest in your inner wellbeing. 

Rick Hanson, Ph.D. is one of my go to resources these days. 

Dr. Hanson is a psychologist, Senior Fellow of the Greater Good Science Center at UC Berkeley, and New York Times best-selling author. His work has been featured on the BBC, CBS, and NPR, and he is the creator of the Foundations of Well-Being program in positive neuroplasticity.

He’s legit, and sweet. 

Dr. Hanson has some powerful tools to help you cultivate an unshakeable core of calm, strength and happiness – no matter what’s going on in the outside world.

Watch my interview with Rick from our “Bringing Calm to COVID” Series below:

Rick brings together brain science with perennial wisdom and practical psychology. In this conversation with Rick, you’ll learn;

– Why Zebras don’t get ulcers
– A simple technique to avoid chronic stress and bring calm to any crisis
– How to feel a sense of safety and ease in your life no matter what’s going on around you
– What to do if you have a basic state of tension vs. calm
– A biofeedback device that can help you feel more relaxed
– How to motivate teenagers and kids to engage with these tools
– Why it’s easier than you think to hardwire your brain for happiness

Watch this interview now – it’s chock full of actionable information!

May you grow an unshakeable core of calm, strength and joy,


P.S. Got a friend, family member or colleague who’s feeling stressed out (who doesn’t?!), share this blog with them so they can learn from Rick directly.  

It might make all the difference!

Once you’ve watched, we’d love to hear from you – what do you think of Rick’s approach to cultivate a sense of wellbeing?


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Vanessa Loder
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