15 Day Meditation Challenge

Let us know what you think of Day 15 – leave a comment below!

BONUS! Day 15 Meditation Video with Expert Teacher Elizabeth Furest

Day 15 - Rewire your Brain for Positivity [FIRESIDE CHAT]

by Vanessa Loder | 15 Day Challenge

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  • Avatar photo Carmen Clay says:

    I leave with a new tool for happiness. Granma time out! Thank you for your passion, your research, your benevolent loving kindness. It was a great journey of discovery and sometimes validation.

    • Avatar photo Vanessa Loder says:

      Yes! LOVE Granma time out!! Thank you so much for joining me and for your amazing insight and addition to the comments during this time! So grateful for you. Thanks Carmen. Much love.

  • Avatar photo Sylvia says:

    Yay!!! Day 15!! I did it! Thanks Vanessa for this journey. Loved every minute.

  • What an amazing way to spend the past 15 mornings! Thank you, Vanessa, for sharing your wisdom, heart and passion for life. I feel deeply grateful, energized and 100% on board the train of change, growth, and days filled with joy, love, FUN and prosperity.

    • Avatar photo Vanessa Loder says:

      Fantastic news Linda!! I’m so excited to see all the blossoming you are having and who you are becoming as you are open!
      Congratulations on finishing the 15 days!

  • Avatar photo Shannon says:

    Vanessa, thank you so much for the love and wisdom that you shared during this 15 day meditation series. You are most assuradely full of love & light and keep em coming! Love the time that we spend together “hanging out”. Cheers, from Peru!

  • Avatar photo L says:

    Yes, chat is best done first. Both rewarding today, and I’m more accepting of gold in my head, body, thanks Elizabeth. Excuses–not a morning person; always have a hard time vetting stuff for trash, recycle, donate, keep; I’m slower than other people when using tech for something different or new–will no longer drive my life. Baby steps are as important as leaps. Vanessa, thank you for referring us to different sources, such as Dr. Bruce LIpton, whose videos I see are on youtube, waiting for me and other enthusiasts. Much to think about in this 15-session gift. I’m profoundly grateful.

  • Avatar photo Alicia says:

    We were totally hanging out! These meditations have being amazing Vanessa. Thank you so so so much. I really enjoy listening to you and I look forward to more in the future. Thank you again!

    • Avatar photo Vanessa Loder says:

      Haha! Love it so much Alicia! Thank you for joining in! I’m so very glad you enjoyed them! Thanks for hanging out with me.

  • Avatar photo ESTHER says:

    Thank you, Vanessa!
    I’m just a little bunny doing the best I can! I loved it!

  • Avatar photo Karen Rowe says:

    Thank you for another meditation challenge Vanessa. This is the best one yet! I missed your personal meditation guidance today and still had problems staying in the meditation with the 24 karat reference. That said, I am grateful for the benefit of this total challenge for myself and also my old partner from the previous challenge. She tells me every day how strong and confident the meditations make her feel and this has led to a committed meditation practice for her. It has been lovely to share our feelings centered around this activity.
    We will continue to write, as we have done so everyday for the past six months. I am grateful to have acquired this relationship as a result of the partnership program.
    You’re a jewel with sharing much light with others-! Thank you again, Vanessa!

    • Avatar photo Vanessa Loder says:

      Karen, I so loved reading your comments while you were in the challenge! I’m so glad you enjoyed it and really appreciate you say that! How lovely that you and your old partner can connect in this way and start a committed meditation practice as well! Thank you for sharing your light with us as well Karen!

  • Avatar photo Casey says:

    Vanessa, thank you so much for generous priming with the fireside chats. It took me a while to realize I should listen to those first because they really were a good primer before the meditation. In fact you might think about calling it that instead of a chat and changing the order so people realize that. The value of getting your insight prior, doing some of the exercises and journaling prior is so very valuable!
    Also for me the last session was the 8 week mark from my craniotomy…totally not planned but a welcome alignment!

    • Avatar photo Vanessa Loder says:

      Such a great idea with the chats Casey! I’m so glad they assisted to prime the meditations for you. Loved that you were able to journal to gain so much more from this experience as well. And wow about that last session!! Totally perfect alignment!

  • Avatar photo Monica Caldarelli says:

    Vanessa tears came to my eyes. I’ve been shaped by trauma and a plain bad character. There was a time when I believed change was possible. I even wanted to subscribe to yours and Lisa’s program a few years ago. Then I lost hope. Now I can see how change is not something that happens once and for all but we have to work everyday for it. Thank you for giving me hope again.

    • Avatar photo Vanessa Loder says:

      Oh so much truth in this Monica!! I’m so very grateful to be able to be a small part of your experience. Hope can always be found again. Change happens for me every single day! Life is a journey and a constant growth process. I’m so proud of you for choosing to take charge of your experience, give yourself this and believe again. I’m so glad you are a part of this community — for a while as well! Many blessings for you ahead!

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