Create Work You Love

From: $499.00 / month for 3 months

$1,497.00 for 3 months

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Do you feel like you were meant to be doing more, but don’t know what it is?

Learn the skills, tools and processes you need to find fulfilling, meaningful work, have an impact, and feel energized instead of exhausted.

This is NOT your traditional career search.

It isn’t about mining LinkedIn or updating your resume. This program is about spending the time you need and deserve to figure out your real path and passion.

Think of it like Structured Soul Searching, with support and guidance along the way.

You’ll get a clear sense of what you want and confidence that you’re headed in the right direction.


I came to find passion in my work and what I found was so much more than that. I found who I was, why I am the person I am and how that manifests in my personality. It was an amazing experience that everyone should try. I really found I was able to let go of issues I had been holding on to, some that I was aware of and some I was not aware of, I could not have done it on my own.
Aubrey Kendall
Head of Recruiting, Pinterest - San Francisco, CA

I am so grateful for Vanessa’s amazing CWYL program! Her course provided me with powerful tools, resources, and deep connections with other women. Vanessa’s optimism, confidence, and authenticity is contagious — her leadership energized me to take risks and to move forward with my own professional dream. Thank you, Vanessa!
Liz Drogin
Consultant, Drogin Ventures - Denver, CO

Before I started working with Vanessa, I was in the middle of a career crisis that was consuming me with anger, bitterness and resentment. The truth was that what I was calling a “career crisis” was really my way of trying to limit and define this whole-life emptiness I felt. Vanessa saw that right away and it became clear that she would be providing so much more than tips on how to get my resume in shape and suggestions to attend networking events. It is not an exaggeration to say working with Vanessa has been life changing. I don’t feel like there is something wrong with me anymore. I don’t feel like I am irreparably damaged. I don’t feel like I need to beat my emotions, my life and my soul into submission anymore. It is an incredible feeling and I will be forever grateful to have had her help me on my path to becoming myself. Big news – I am leaving the bakery for a new freelance gig! I am just overwhelmed with gratitude for my life. It feels amazing. Thank you for having a profound impact on my life.
Karen Ma
Entrepreneur - Los Angeles, CA


Module 1

Awareness + Honest Assessment

Change starts with awareness

In this Module, you’ll do an honest assessment of your life and set inspiring goals for different categories of your life. We’ll help you figure out what’s working (and what’s not!) and come up with your own personal, powerful action steps you can take right away to create change and have a bigger impact.

We’ll also help you get clear on your values and show you how to:

  • More easily make choices aligned with your values
  • Create a powerful Commitment Statement to anchor your goals and vision
  • Improve the area of your life that most needs attention, and be surprised by what shows up!
  • Get step-by-step tactics to stay consistent, move past obstacles and remain on track no matter what happens

By the end of Module 1, you’ll have a rock solid understanding of your unique values and a clear action plan to improve each area of your life.

Module 2

Clarify Your Vision

Clarity doesn’t magically appear, you need to cultivate it

In this Module, you’ll clarify your ideal vision and set inspiring goals. You’ll learn a proven 15 Step Process to Clarity and Confidence that will give you fifteen (15) unique tools to get clear on your next move. This is one of the most highly rated modules of the program!
You’ll also:

    Move from the feeling of; “I was meant for something more, but I don’t know what it is,” into the belief; “I know I’m meant for more, and I have some ideas what that might be.”

  • Get 15 free strategies to help you figure out what type of work will be most meaningful to you
  • Understand how to balance finding work you love with the financial obligations you may have
  • Shift the thoughts and beliefs that are secretly sabotaging your ability to get what you want

At the end of this module, you’ll know exactly what steps to take to gain clarity on your next step and move forward with confidence.

Module 3

Your Strengths and Zone of Genius

The key to feeling energized at work is harnessing your Unique Genius

In this module, we’ll do a deep dive on your strengths and unique genius. You’ll consciously choose activities that put you in your Zone of Genius – what you’re naturally good at and enjoy doing.
You’ll also:

  • Understand what’s been causing you to feel drained and exhausted by work
  • Learn tools to feel more energized at your current job and/or create a new job that leaves you even more energized and excited
  • Understand the “Competency Trap” that almost everyone falls into and how to avoid it
  • Get step-by-step tactics to spend more time in your Zone of Genius, at work and at home

No matter what your current situation is, by the end of this module, you’ll have everything you need to leverage your unique abilities and feel energized rather than exhausted by your work.

Module 4

What’s Stopping You?

Learn how to shift the fears, limiting beliefs and excuses that have kept you stuck

  • Generate a comprehensive list of all the beliefs that have been keeping you stuck, and start to shift them in one sitting
  • Discover the right (and wrong) way to bring your unconscious blocks to the surface to be shifted and released with love and compassion.
  • Master the elements of Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) to create lasting change — even if you’re a beginner

At the end of this Module, you’ll know exactly what’s been stopping you, and how to shift it. You’ll be able to pursue what you really want instead of what you’ve been taught you “should” do.

Module 5

Soul Speak

Learn how to access the wisdom of you Soul

In this Module, you’ll learn techniques to invite the subconscious mind and soul to guide you forward. Through spiritual practices, listening to deep emotion and spending time in nature, you’ll access your intuition, soul and deeper longings.

You’ll also:

  • Understand the importance of your soul’s inner wisdom and how to access it to guide you forward
  • Learn how to distinguish between Ego and Soul (and why that matters)
  • Get tools, strategies, and best practices to stay in dialogue with your Soul and start taking action on the wisdom it offers you

Module 6

Patience, Trust and Cultivating Your Inner Coach

Mastering the process of turning your inner critic into your inner coach is key to Creating Work You Love

Once you have the tools to create lasting change, the key becomes surrendering to the process, trusting it will work, and turning your negative self-talk (your inner critic) into a positive, encouraging voice (your inner coach).

In this final class, you’ll learn a super-simple method to notice when you’re in flow versus when you’re forcing things, and how to get back into flow on demand. Plus, you’ll get a powerful guided meditation to access your Inner Compassionate Wisdom and learn how to use that voice to guide your decisions going forward.

You’ll also:

  • Discover the weekly ritual that will help you incorporate all the practices you’ve learned into daily habits and ensure you stay on track
  • Understand the importance of staying aligned and focused on what you want (rather than allowing your fears and doubts to derail you) so you can manifest your goals more quickly
  • Get a Personal Roadmap that includes a deep dive summary for all the tools and strategies you’ve learned to help you leverage and integrate them going forward

Additional information

Payment Options

Single Payment Option, 3 Payments For 3 Months

  • Avatar photo Tracy Elzemeyer says:

    I highly recommend the CWYL program. I can read books and use diagnostic tools and may enjoy some insights doing those things on my own, but the on-my-own method can never compare to the energy and outcomes of doing it in a course setting under the guidance of Vanessa and along side the other women participating in the group. I am excited to continue to explore where my energetic bread crumbs might lead me on my way to creating work I love. Thank you!

  • Avatar photo Amy says:

    Vanessa is very positive and has good energy in teaching the program, especially because she lives it!

  • Avatar photo Marjorie Rodgers Cheshire says:

    The best part of the program was Vanessa’s curation of incredible resources and tools for starting the journey to create the work you love. Also, awareness that there are other women grappling with all the same issues.

  • Avatar photo Alison Qualter Berna says:

    The best thing about the CWYL Program is it gave me dedicated time each week to focus on things outside of the demands of my work and needs of my family.

  • Avatar photo Elizabeth Brown says:

    The CWYL program has shifted my perspective on work and life in general. We all get so busy with work, life, and checking off the next to do. Days seem to quickly turn into years when I was so busy with work and family, and I all of a sudden needed a reset. The course allowed me to create the time to really take a step back and look at what really makes me happy in work and life. It helped me to identify the areas of interest that I want to explore more deeply, and helped me to really identify my strengths and beliefs.
    Vanessa has an amazing demeanor, and guides you through the material in a very meaningful and genuine manner.

  • Avatar photo Suzanne Miller says:

    After 15 years in one industry, I’m about to launch a new business in a completely different industry! I wouldn’t have been able to do it without these tools, Vanessa’s compassion and great content.

  • Avatar photo Annie Sun says:

    I have been a fan of Vanessa’s meditations for over a year before taking the leap and joining one of her Programs. The program has had a profound impact on every facet of my life and the positive changes are still coming! What I love most about the program is the tremendous amount of self growth and the sense of clarity and confidence I gained. If you’re on the fence as I once was, consider this one of the best gifts you can give to yourself- you won’t regret it!

  • Avatar photo Emily Thawley says:

    I participated in Vanessa’s “Create the Work you Love” program and ended it with her retreat and will say that both experiences have been life changing for me! After being in the corporate world for most my career and climbing my way up the corporate ladder, I felt very unhappy and very stuck. I had no idea how to change my career path or start finding work that was more fulfilling. On top of that I have 3 young children that I wanted to be spending more time with. I came out of Vanessa’s program and retreat with so much clarity and courage to take the next step and ended up quitting my job within a week of getting home. I quickly realized that life is not so black and white and we can not only dabble in many things to figure out what we like the most, but also that I can actually build my career around my life, rather than my life around my career! One of the benefits of the program is being in groups of women that are from all different walks of life and careers but all looking to find more meaning in their work and lives.
    I can not recommend Vanessa’s CWYL Program enough to anybody that is looking to get more out of their career, change directions, or simply get more out of life. Thank you Vanessa!

  • Do you feel like you were meant to be doing more, but don’t know what it is?

    Learn the skills, tools and processes you need to find fulfilling, meaningful work, have an impact, and feel energized instead of exhausted.

    This is NOT your traditional career search.

    It isn’t about mining LinkedIn or updating your resume. This program is about spending the time you need and deserve to figure out your real path and passion.

    Think of it like Structured Soul Searching, with support and guidance along the way.

    You’ll get a clear sense of what you want and confidence that you’re headed in the right direction.


    I came to find passion in my work and what I found was so much more than that. I found who I was, why I am the person I am and how that manifests in my personality. It was an amazing experience that everyone should try. I really found I was able to let go of issues I had been holding on to, some that I was aware of and some I was not aware of, I could not have done it on my own.
    Aubrey Kendall
    Head of Recruiting, Pinterest – San Francisco, CA

    I am so grateful for Vanessa’s amazing CWYL program! Her course provided me with powerful tools, resources, and deep connections with other women. Vanessa’s optimism, confidence, and authenticity is contagious — her leadership energized me to take risks and to move forward with my own professional dream. Thank you, Vanessa!
    Liz Drogin
    Consultant, Drogin Ventures – Denver, CO

    Before I started working with Vanessa, I was in the middle of a career crisis that was consuming me with anger, bitterness and resentment. The truth was that what I was calling a “career crisis” was really my way of trying to limit and define this whole-life emptiness I felt. Vanessa saw that right away and it became clear that she would be providing so much more than tips on how to get my resume in shape and suggestions to attend networking events. It is not an exaggeration to say working with Vanessa has been life changing. I don’t feel like there is something wrong with me anymore. I don’t feel like I am irreparably damaged. I don’t feel like I need to beat my emotions, my life and my soul into submission anymore. It is an incredible feeling and I will be forever grateful to have had her help me on my path to becoming myself. Big news – I am leaving the bakery for a new freelance gig! I am just overwhelmed with gratitude for my life. It feels amazing. Thank you for having a profound impact on my life.
    Karen Ma
    Entrepreneur – Los Angeles, CA


    Module 1

    Awareness + Honest Assessment

    Change starts with awareness

    In this Module, you’ll do an honest assessment of your life and set inspiring goals for different categories of your life. We’ll help you figure out what’s working (and what’s not!) and come up with your own personal, powerful action steps you can take right away to create change and have a bigger impact.

    We’ll also help you get clear on your values and show you how to:

    • More easily make choices aligned with your values
    • Create a powerful Commitment Statement to anchor your goals and vision
    • Improve the area of your life that most needs attention, and be surprised by what shows up!
    • Get step-by-step tactics to stay consistent, move past obstacles and remain on track no matter what happens

    By the end of Module 1, you’ll have a rock solid understanding of your unique values and a clear action plan to improve each area of your life.

    Module 2

    Clarify Your Vision

    Clarity doesn’t magically appear, you need to cultivate it

    In this Module, you’ll clarify your ideal vision and set inspiring goals. You’ll learn a proven 15 Step Process to Clarity and Confidence that will give you fifteen (15) unique tools to get clear on your next move. This is one of the most highly rated modules of the program!
    You’ll also:

      Move from the feeling of; “I was meant for something more, but I don’t know what it is,” into the belief; “I know I’m meant for more, and I have some ideas what that might be.”

    • Get 15 free strategies to help you figure out what type of work will be most meaningful to you
    • Understand how to balance finding work you love with the financial obligations you may have
    • Shift the thoughts and beliefs that are secretly sabotaging your ability to get what you want

    At the end of this module, you’ll know exactly what steps to take to gain clarity on your next step and move forward with confidence.

    Module 3

    Your Strengths and Zone of Genius

    The key to feeling energized at work is harnessing your Unique Genius

    In this module, we’ll do a deep dive on your strengths and unique genius. You’ll consciously choose activities that put you in your Zone of Genius – what you’re naturally good at and enjoy doing.
    You’ll also:

    • Understand what’s been causing you to feel drained and exhausted by work
    • Learn tools to feel more energized at your current job and/or create a new job that leaves you even more energized and excited
    • Understand the “Competency Trap” that almost everyone falls into and how to avoid it
    • Get step-by-step tactics to spend more time in your Zone of Genius, at work and at home

    No matter what your current situation is, by the end of this module, you’ll have everything you need to leverage your unique abilities and feel energized rather than exhausted by your work.

    Module 4

    What’s Stopping You?

    Learn how to shift the fears, limiting beliefs and excuses that have kept you stuck

    • Generate a comprehensive list of all the beliefs that have been keeping you stuck, and start to shift them in one sitting
    • Discover the right (and wrong) way to bring your unconscious blocks to the surface to be shifted and released with love and compassion.
    • Master the elements of Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) to create lasting change — even if you’re a beginner

    At the end of this Module, you’ll know exactly what’s been stopping you, and how to shift it. You’ll be able to pursue what you really want instead of what you’ve been taught you “should” do.

    Module 5

    Soul Speak

    Learn how to access the wisdom of you Soul

    In this Module, you’ll learn techniques to invite the subconscious mind and soul to guide you forward. Through spiritual practices, listening to deep emotion and spending time in nature, you’ll access your intuition, soul and deeper longings.

    You’ll also:

    • Understand the importance of your soul’s inner wisdom and how to access it to guide you forward
    • Learn how to distinguish between Ego and Soul (and why that matters)
    • Get tools, strategies, and best practices to stay in dialogue with your Soul and start taking action on the wisdom it offers you

    Module 6

    Patience, Trust and Cultivating Your Inner Coach

    Mastering the process of turning your inner critic into your inner coach is key to Creating Work You Love

    Once you have the tools to create lasting change, the key becomes surrendering to the process, trusting it will work, and turning your negative self-talk (your inner critic) into a positive, encouraging voice (your inner coach).

    In this final class, you’ll learn a super-simple method to notice when you’re in flow versus when you’re forcing things, and how to get back into flow on demand. Plus, you’ll get a powerful guided meditation to access your Inner Compassionate Wisdom and learn how to use that voice to guide your decisions going forward.

    You’ll also:

    • Discover the weekly ritual that will help you incorporate all the practices you’ve learned into daily habits and ensure you stay on track
    • Understand the importance of staying aligned and focused on what you want (rather than allowing your fears and doubts to derail you) so you can manifest your goals more quickly
    • Get a Personal Roadmap that includes a deep dive summary for all the tools and strategies you’ve learned to help you leverage and integrate them going forward

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