“The Soul Solution is the answer for women who want to have it all but are tired of how society has defined what ‘all’ really is.”
“Vanessa is to women and power what Brené Brown is to vulnerability.”
“This is a must read for any woman looking to have a more fulfilling, creative, and joyful life.”

What Is The Soul Solution?
Women today are burned out from people pleasing and doing what we “should” do. We’re constantly hustling to fulfill everyone else’s expectations, losing ourselves (and our sanity!) in the process. Do you find yourself filling up your “free” hours with mundane tasks, soaking up podcasts to improve yourself, and rushing around, never getting it all done? For many women, it’s the same kind of story―we hustle to overachieve at work and at home, and it leaves us exhausted, overwhelmed and looking for answers.
What if the point isn’t to crush it in life, but to savor it?
With The Soul Solution, women’s leadership expert Vanessa Loder shares a powerful and practical guide to help women who feel overwhelmed and exhausted to recover our true selves―and our joy in living. She offers a road map for coming home to yourself, including:
• The Whispers of Your Soul―the three key steps for tuning out the noise and getting in touch with your authentic self
• Your Energetic Bread Crumbs―how the universe signals to you when you’re on the right path
• Discover Your Superpower―why you’ve been ignoring your most valuable gifts, and how to reclaim them
• From Tunnel Vision to Visionary―ways to break out of the “shame cycle” of patriarchal culture and own your destiny
• Quieting the Inner Critic―how to retrain your inner voices to encourage and support you
• The Upward Spiral―using the SAT method (Surrender, Allow, Trust) to get more of what you want with ease
Filled with practical guidance and inspiring personal stories, The Soul Solution is a nonstrategic, nonlinear―but entirely effective―guide to help you reclaim your feminine, intuitive soul power to fulfill your most meaningful and satisfying desires.

Vanessa’s amazing coaching in book format
Back in 2020 I took a coaching course with Vanessa that ignited major positive … transformations in my life (in my career, spiritual life and self-expression). I became a huge fan and have been following her teachings on many platforms. I was so thrilled when “The Soul Solution” was delivered to my home on launch day. I’m already devouring the book, absolutely fascinated for having Vanessa’s life changing coaching at my fingertips. She delivers her incredible knowledge with precision, warmth and compassion. Her language is accessible and extremely empowering. There is a ton of substance, no fluff. She gets to the core of how to live an empowered life where you and only you get to define what matters. Transformation doesn’t necessarily happen overnight, but Vanessa lays out the foundation for you to thrive at your pace. I highly recommend this book (and anything by Vanessa, frankly!)Read more
Vanessa’s writing is a powerful combination of wise and practical, and always authentic. She clearly …articulates the ways in which we lose ourselves (e.g. doing what we “should” do, chasing others’ definition of “success”…), and yet offers insightful tools to move beyond your current limitations, self doubt, criticism, fear…
Being able to combine inspiration with practical real-world tools to take action is not easy, but Vanessa does it. I’ve already bought this book for so many women in my life — it’s a MUST READ! Read more
Loved this!
Vanessa Loder provides a thoughtful, practical, inspirational, and science-backed approach to personal growth …in this book. Her tone is encouraging and refreshingly honest as she weaves her own journey throughout. One of my favorite parts is about following your ‘energetic breadcrumbs’ – an idea that has made me slow down and reflect on what that is to me. This technique has helped me to shift my focus towards consciously allocating my time on things that lift me up even if I can’t exactly explain or describe exactly why rather than just rotely checking off the boxes on what I feel I ‘should’ be doing. This is just one of the many powerful techniques she includes in the book. There are many many more! Definitely will be recommending this book to friends. Read more
Full of a-ha moments, that you can actually act on:)
As a mom of three who has been full-time at tech startups for more than 15 years…
I thought I was doing all the right things. Then the pandemic hit, and I began to question how I wanted to define success personally. I was lucky to take Vanessa’s class and get an early copy of her book, and highly recommend both. The Soul Solution gives you practical, actionable tips on how to pause, get in touch with yourself, and then move forward with PURPOSE and PASSION. I’ve finally learned that taking time for yourself is not selfish, it’s the complete opposite. Enjoy this read — it’s a great one! Read more

A must read!
I highly recommend this book. This is a book that asks the reader to examine long-held feelings and beliefs about …herself, and about what it means to be a “successful” woman, mother or partner in life and society. Unlike many other books for women, this book encourages us to search for our inner wisdom with effective tools and guidance to turn inward for our unique “soul solutions” and stability instead of following a rulebook that was developed by someone else for someone else. It’s a must read!Read more

Wow! Read this book!
I can’t say enough about this book. Get it. Read it. It’s full of practical tools and soul whispers…
that will change your life. Read more
Inspirational Handbook for LIFE
This book is AMAZING. There are tons of amazing resources, tools and guided insights to help you …get out of your own way. We all sometimes feel like there could be just a little more to help us, sustain us, create the life we want without sacrificing who we are at our core. This book is like a handbook for life. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED Read more
Great book for any busy woman, mom, perfectionist or overachiever Type A!
I wish I could have read it 10 years ago! This is a great book for any busy woman, mom… , caregiver, wife/partner, perfectionist or overachiever Type A woman!
Vanessa writes with warmth, humor and real honesty. You can tell she really cares about you and I can feel her energy through the words she writes. Her tools and the end of chapter exercises are realistic and do-able. So good to read genuine, simple advice, from someone who is living this type of soul-based success. Thank you Vanessa! Read more

Will help you clarify your values and goals
I’ve been fortunate to learn from Vanessa for over a decade and her book beautifully encapsulates her …most powerful teachings. The process and activities in this book will help you clarify your values and goals, create a vision for your life, and overhaul how you spend your time. As a full-time leader at a startup with two kids at home, I constantly felt overwhelmed and unclear about what I wanted in life. The frameworks that Vanessa covers are the most powerful tools I’ve used to clarify my purpose and my priorities. And believe me, I am so much happier now! Vanessa’s stories are so relatable and her lessons make it easy to take action. I highly recommend this book to anyone who feels like they are “searching for something more” but just don’t know how to get there. Okay, now back to following my energetic breadcrumbs 🙂Read more

Helped me refocus
This is a great read for any woman who has struggled with muti-tasking and managing other people’s needs …
above her own. It really helped me refocus, reset my priorities, and find myself. Read more

Great read for all women!
This book is a perfect read for women who feel conflict between true self (what gives energy and meaning) …and ego(the need to please others).
Many practices and tips are included in the book, which are easy and helpful.
The most, I enjoyed reading advices how to notice what gives you energy and how to turn inner critic to inner coach, but there are more other topics, which are interesting as well. Read more

Loved it!!
I loved this book and was really honored to have early access, what a treat! I felt really encouraged …by Vanessa’s way of offering a new version of what a successful life can look like. As she says, rather than “crushing it” we can savor our life…She is part of a paradigm that is shifting our perception of success away from domination and control and opening up to the unknown mystery of soul.
One of my favorite teachings is from chapter 3, about following “energetic bread crumbs”. I love the metaphor of nudges from the universe that are encouraging you on your path home, back to your True Self.
I appreciate when books can be opened to any page and reveal treasure and something that might help me along my day, this is one of those books. There’s wisdom and insight tucked into each chapter, no need to follow the prescribed order, you can just open it up and find something to take with you as you go.Read more

So many resources
I was lucky enough to get an advance copy of this beautiful book. There are so many resources …to help you get out of your own way, stop playing someone else’s game and start (to use the author’s words) savoring life. This is for anyone who feels like there could be something more for them in life. strongly recommend!Read more

This book is a journey toward self-fulfillment
This book takes you on a journey of self discovery by clearly and concisely paving… a path toward recognizing and defining your core values, purpose and priorities. Reading the personal challenges women experience and using the practical suggestions and tools provided, you can not only clarify what you want, but understand and learn how to pursue your goals. The book is a journey toward self-fulfillment and creating a meaningful life.Read more

How are you in my brain!?!
First off, I want to thank Netgalley & the publisher for providing me the opportunity to read this …e-arc in exchange for an honest review. This book is a great guide to help woman who are overwhelmed by modern problem of trying to “have it all” recover and enjoy life, rather than trying to “beat” life.
Now, I would like to ask Loder how the heck she saw into my brain to talk about situations that I do all too often to myself. The analogies and all too realistic scenarios that the Loder talks about, along with the facts/statistics, cuts straight into are great, and really makes me motivated to take her tips. At one point, she talks about how transitioning and changing to things can be scary and that we shove ourselves into a too-small box because at least it’s familiar and comfortable…and I can’t believe how strongly that resonated with me. That being said, as someone who always reads fiction over nonfiction (this is the first self-help book I’ve read), I did find some parts of the book a little cheesy. I also find that this book is more geared towards the average working women, as it may not account for the variations in life/thoughts/feelings/motivations for those who struggle with mental illnesses. Overall, I took away solid advice and did most of the activities. I followed an energy crumb and randomly messaged my aunt when I thought about her and had a lovely conversation. Overall, this was a great stepping stone for me into reading self-help books and I would recommend this! Read more

Completely drawn in!
From the very first pages I was completely drawn in!! It really did feel like Vanessa was speaking to my soul …
and knew what I could barely admit to myself! As women, we can forget to prioritize ourselves with our careers and families seeming to always get our attention first. This book helped remind me how important it is to connect with and listen to myself and how that can radiate out change in my life in all the good, juicy, exciting, and healthy ways. You must read this book. It will change your perspective and it has real life solutions to help you change your life!! Read more
Deep wisdom – and practical ways to begin your own journey
Vanessa’s book is rich with the wisdom she has accumulated on her own soul journey …(in my career, spiritual life and self-expression). and she has a gift for bringing “beginners” like me and her other readers along, offering practical tools and exercises to explore your own unique gifts, unique path, and access deeper meaning and satisfaction in life. She brings together research, experience, wonder and compassion in a way that is truly unique. I am finding her book to be a guide for life in ways that are both big and small – from helping me shape what I want out of my career to reframing bedtime struggles with my toddler!Read more
Take the time to read this book!
There are always so many pressing things to do – at work, at home with two small children … that I never seem to have the time to be with myself. Well, I took the time to read this book and I am so grateful that I did. I loved Vanessa’s authentic style and structured yet playful approach. I got out both a roadmap on how to understand some of the feelings of overwhelm that I experience due to all of the demands in my life, as well as some laughs and permission/ideas on how to do things differently. I feel energized from reading the book and I’ve already put into practice some of her suggestions. I also really appreciate the prompts in the book to ask myself hard questions and taking the space/time I need to find my own truth in response. Truly recommend this book for women – for yourself, friends, and loved ones who need some ‘me’ time. Read more

Do your soul a favor and read this book!
Love this book!! I climbed the wrong mountain for 10 years too long. It took a global pandemic to finally hear myself. …Tuning out “the world” and tuning into my soul to identify, find and follow the energetic breadcrumbs requires intention/practice. This book gives us all an active playbook. I’ve read this each morning the last last few weeks with my coffee and it’s been an amazing way to start the day! Read more

Visualizing and practical advice
Inspirational words from a busy woman, breathing exercises, communicating thoughtfully with others. Each reader …
will find some points that hit home. For a Christian approach, see also “Having a Mary Heart in a Martha World” by Joanna Weaver. Read more

Loved, loved, loved this book!
This book is empowering, in a very personal way. The wisdom … in many of the sections seemed like it was written just for me. I am grateful for this guide to slowing down, listening, delighting in the fine details of my life that I overlooked before, and moving forward with purpose. It struck me at the heart level and and changed me. I will reread it again and again.Read more

Yes, Yes, Yes!!
Vanessa‘s book is a must read for women struggling to succeed but are burning out in the process! … Her book is a roadmap for overworked women who want a more fulfilling and joyful life. The topics in this book are so universal for women struggling with the pressures of work in family and life. She taught me practical tools to stop doing what everybody else expects of me, and learn to access and trust my own inner knowing instead. Highly recommend this book! Read more

Deeply insightful, wonderful read
Ms. Loder writes with both depth and clarity. She has “done the work” …both at a spiritual and an intellectual level to give sound, even life-changing advice with a deeply authentic voice. If you read one self-improvement book this year, let it be this one. Her insights will leave you with more “ah ha” moments than you can count.Read more

I want to give this to every woman I know in a rut
I want to give this book to every woman I know who is stuck in a rut with work and looking … to make a career change that brings them happiness, regardless of age. This book inspired me with every page. I learned useful tips that I incorporated into my life right away. Read more

Vanessa is the real deal
As the husband of an amazing woman who has tried so hard to have it all, this book … has helped me understand the challenges that I am blind to. I appreciate both the tenderness and action-orientedness of The Soul Solution.Read more

Amazing book. Highly recommend
These kinds of books often have recycled advice that I’ve read before. But this book is different. … The author brings together a wealth of information that’s based in psychology, spirituality, and high-performance leadership coaching that is highly pragmatic and useful. Highly recommend. Read more
Highly recommend!
I was honored to receive an advanced copy of the book and there are so many useful tools … resources and frameworks in it that I bought a book for every member of my team! Highly recommend!Read more

Great tools to help balance
Vanessa provides tons of advice and tools for framing how to better align … around your values. So many great insights to help shape life around what matters most. Read more

Loved this book!
Vanessa provided simple tips and ideas to incorporate … into my busy life!Read more

An inspiring and practical guide for Type A Women
I was able to access an advanced copy of this excellent book. Loder, an ex-investment banker … , Stanford GSB alum and all-around overachiever, shares her journey to reconnect with herself and, as she says in the title “find her superpower and (finally) feel satisfied.
She provides specific tips, for example noticing what she calls “energetic breadcrumbs,” those little and big events that happen in one’s day that are inspiring, natural, powerful–and then trying to have more of those. That’s a wonderful and low-risk way to begin exploring what the soul wants. It was helpful for me to see BOTH the “jump in with both feet” approach of Loder, who quite her banking job to find deeper meaning AND the more measured approach of small, incremental changes.
Every chapter has exercises, and while I’d love to do those exercises in a group with a guide (maybe Loder herself) they are totally manageable on my own.
I have already recommended this book to several friends. If you are looking for ways to connect more with the work you’re doing and the way you spend your days, this book is for you. Read more
Hard to believe so much wisdom captured in one easy to read book
I can’t say enough good things about this book. The author shares what she’s learned … from her own personal experience and that of her coaching clients. If you are ready to make big or small changes in your life, you’ll find encouragement, inspiration and support here. The chapter on “Energetic Breadcrumbs” alone is worth the price of the book and more. Also the concept of “Discover Your Superpower” – concrete steps you can take to discover what your gifts are and how to better use them at work and at home. The ideas are presented in a simple and useful way, with coaching tools, journaling prompts and meditations at the end of each chapter. I’m amazed at how much great, actionable info is packed into this one book. Vanessa is an inspiration. I will be gifting this book to many of my women friends!Read more

this book puts into words what most needs doing
The book directs our attention to things we might not consider when taking a good look… at ourselves and our lives. Most helpful in sorting out what matters and what we can look at in a more humorous, gentle way. Read more

Not just one more self-help book
This is one of the most important books I have read recently and I have read A LOT of them in my search … to have greater impact and greater joy in career and life. Many self-help books repeat similar messages, but there is much in Vanessa’s work that I have not read elsewhere. The concept of “energetic breadcrumbs” (chapter 3) was so helpful. I found her overview of “the success myth” (chapter 10) to be insightful, and her general message that “Women have been so relieved to have a seat at the table that we haven’t questioned how the table is set!” is spot on, but more importantly, she offers TOOLS and SOLUTIONS to address this issue so we can forge our own path forward to create “success” as we define it. This book was exactly the answer I have been searching for. I will return to this book many times. I recommend it highly.Read more

Vanessa not only gives you a path back to your soul, she’s curated the best practices to guide you!
Vanessa’s coaching is life-changing, and this book… is a culmination of her years exploring and developing soul-based approaches, to find more meaningful work and a life aligned with her true nature. Her book is full of wisdom and road-tested practices – shared with humor, heart and rich stories. It is partly a tale of her journey, partly a collection of stories from other women, and partly a playbook for you. She cheers you on as she conveys her deep understanding of the struggles many women face. She offers reframed perspectives for how to move forward and tune into your true self. She shares the best of the best, from other experts and from her own treasure chest of tools she’s created. I especially appreciate the “Flip the Switch” exercises throughout the book. Read it, savor it, try some of the practices and feel yourself expand. Then read it again; it is like a lighthouse constantly guiding you back to yourself. Read more
What her soul was meant to do
I’ve known Vanessa for 15 years and I am so happy she has finally taken all her passion … knowledge and drive to help others to print so the world can experience what I have had the blessing to have live time as her friend. This book is honest, thoughtful, and so totally true. I was a Sr. Tech Leader at a Fortune 500 company for 10 years and hired Vanessa to do an 8 week series with my team. Not only did they all rave about it, but they continued to use her tools for years to come, as do I. All women should read this book, working or not, mom’s or not, as so many of the learnings apply to life as a whole. Thank you Vanessa for all that you do to try to improve the lives of others!Read more

Empowering Read
The most practical and helpful guide for finding yourself, trusting yourself, and creating a life of true joy … (on your terms!). You can apply these tools and lessons at home, work, in your community – basically everywhere. Where this book is better than many others in the genre is that it guides you through “Flip the Switch” exercises to tease out what “your soul” really wants to say and then to identify what is holding you back, and how to move past that. After reading I feel like I have the tools to get out of my rut and have started to make changes that empower me to live a more fulfilling, soul-based life. I have given away five copies after reading it – that should say enough!Read more

This book is a must read for all women who feel like they are over-worked, … over-give and who have a knowing that there has to be a better way. Vanessa offers so many profound insights and tips, but she does it in a down to earth, fun and relatable way. I love the way she explains our internal dialogue as a “nutso inner roommate” or the inner call to do something can be like “a tiny splinter in your fourth toe.” Each chapter offers juicy tips and exercises to create real shifts. This is so much more than a self-help book. When you buy the book, you also get access to a resource vault with all kinds of meditations and guided visualizations. You can feel the energy shifts happening as you practice with these tools.Read more
This book will help anyone design a life and career based on your true self
Many women’s leadership books lay out mantras for succeeding in a corporate … (i.e. masculine sphere), but the author, Vanessa Loder, frees women from such narrowly defined versions of “success.” Vanessa’s spiritual wisdom combined with real-world smarts and corporate background make you feel like you’re talking to a wise girlfriend who has your back and is cheering you on. She doesn’t offer a one-size fits all prescription to creating a life you love, instead she guides you through a process to access the “whispers of your soul” and get to the core of who you are. Vanessa helps you realize you have all the answers inside of yourself, you just need to get still enough to hear them and trust yourself enough to act on them.Read more

A must read!
I bought multiple – for me, my sister in law and best friend with … multiple young children and full time jobs. They all live in stress city. I want to buy this book for every woman I know!!! Definitely worth the read!Read more

Actionable guide to find purposeful work
I am ready for a career (life) change and this book gave me very specific, … fun activities to do to find more purposeful work. Vanessa’s book teaches how to find and listen to the signals that are already in your life about how you could me more fulfilled and live with greater joy and purpose. I love how the activities draw from many different fields and often push me out of my comfort zone in a good way. Just thinking about what I wanted to do next would never have helped me as much as Vanessa’s methods. A must read for anyone open to finding new (more effective) ways to find purpose and meaning.Read more
Loved this book!!!
I loved this book so much… But by far my favorite chapter is 3 … all about ‘finding your energetic breadcrumbs’…. This just feels like cheerful and intuitive direction. I always thought we had to suffer and struggle in order to succeed, but turns out, the universe is here, all the time, leaving us little hints, if we just pay attention. There are so many treasures like this throughout the book. Thank you Vanessa for giving us a different perspective on how to work with the (sometimes) crippling anxiety of burnout and overwhelm!Read more

If you’re looking for a meaningful path this book is a must read!
Witty, to the point and most importantly, practical! This book provides … realistic ways to determine what success means to you personally, and how to navigate a meaningful path that will fill you up rather than depleting your own reserves pursuing an external definition of success. This is a book to keep a re-read-there is so much wisdom to apply at various stages of one’s life. I wish I had had this book a decade ago!Read more

Perfect book for our times right now
This book is so perfect for our time right now, a great read … with practical tools and tips for everyone navigating life right now.Read more

Fast Read that is Perfect for Working Moms
As a working mom, we need to resource ourselves but need efficiency … all at the very same time. Vanessa’s newest book is a secret support that helps keep me inspired in all the ways that I need. Read it in day. If her book is this amazing, I can only imagine how valuable her 1:1 coaching and other programs are. Feel so grateful.Read more
Honest, insightful AND fun!
Learn how to empower your inner strengths! This really … is an amazing book and full of actionable ideas. If you have ever wanted to read a good book on how to empower yourself this is it!Read more

not your average self-help book
Useful tools that actually help (and are easy to implement. Great read … not your average self-help book. life changing read. plus gives you access to online meditations, and the “deep sleep” meditation alone is worth the price of the book. LOVE ITRead more

Find Your Soul
If you’re overwhelmed with the day to day rat race, this is a must read. … Vanessa helps you navigate your path and find your soul – bringing back fulfillment and joy in life. Highly recommend.Read more

Great book with practical tools
Great book! Vanessa Loder is awesome at helping women find what success means to them. … The book and her seminars are totally worth it!Read more

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- 7 Powerful Guided Meditations and Visualizations including
- ― Deep Sleep Guided Relaxation
- ― Befriend Your Feelings Guided Meditation
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- ― Inner Child Guided Meditation
- ― Savor the Good Guided Meditation
- ― Self-Compassion Guided Meditation
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“The Soul Solution is the answer for women who want to have it all but are tired of how society has defined what ‘all’ really is. This book gives women permission to trust themselves, access their inner authority, and expand their lives beyond what they thought possible.”
-Shefali Tsabary, PhD,
bestselling author of A Radical Awakening

“In this thought-provoking, witty, wise, and warm book, Vanessa invites readers to resist the pressure to do it all and start redefining success on their terms. This is a must read for any woman looking to have a more fulfilling, creative, and joyful life.”
-Gay Hendricks, PhD & Kathlyn Hendricks, PhD, bestselling authors and transformational leaders

“The Soul Solution has a satisfying mix of psychology, spirituality, and practices. It offers invaluable tools for women who want to wake up to their true nature and find a stable source of happiness within. Highly recommended.”
-Kristin Neff, PhD,
bestselling author of Self-Compassion

“Vanessa is to women and power what Brené Brown is to vulnerability.”
-Andy Dunn,
author of Burn Rate, cofounder of Bonobos

“As someone who teaches and writes extensively about the soul and past lives, I can say from direct experience that Vanessa’s wisdom and playful ability to help others find ways to connect with their soul will have a lasting impact.”
-Ainslie MacLeod, past-life psychic, bestselling author of The Instruction, and spiritual teacher

“The Soul Solution is like a PhD in mindfulness aimed at helping women of all levels to find their unique purpose. This is a book I will pick up again and again to use as a guide for my own growth and development.”
-Anne Robie, former Head of People at StubHub

“Vanessa Loder’s book is an honest and enjoyable read about an issue that affects millions of women: exhaustion. If you are overwhelmed and frustrated, this book will make you feel seen and offer some practical, simple steps for saying goodbye to hustle culture.”
-Celeste Headlee, author of Do Nothing

“Vanessa’s ability to share her background and experience from a place of vulnerability resonated strongly with our group. I continue to be inspired by her teachings and the exercises she guides us through.”
– Jill Dailey, CEO and Founder at The Dailey Method

“The Soul Solution is the perfect book for all of us feeling weary, time-starved, struggling and stuck in busyness constantly to prove ourselves. Vanessa Loder packs this book with research, evidence, stories and useful “soul tips” that can help us all see beyond the myths we’ve bought into and begin to slow down, listen to and follow our intuition, find our own path and connect to joy. It’s such a lovely, helpful and timely book!”
-Brigid Schulte, #1 New York Times bestselling author of Overwhelmed, Work, Love and Play when No One has the Time

“Vanessa has written an inspiring and courageous book for any woman who feels conflicted when what she thinks she ‘should’ want is not what her heart compels her to pursue. Reading this book is like having Vanessa constantly at your side—as a cheerleader, a fellow traveler, and a coach/thought partner. If you are a high-achieving professional woman who yearns for a more meaningful and fulfilling life regardless of the success you have achieved, The Soul Solution is for you.”
-Carole Robin, PhD, coauthor of Connect, former director of the Arbuckle Leadership Fellows program at the Stanford Graduate School of Business
About the Author
Vanessa Loder is an inspirational keynote speaker and sought-after expert on women’s leadership, mindfulness, stress management, and sustainable success. She’s been featured in Forbes, Fast Company, Glamour, Scary Mommy, Elephant Journal and The Huffington Post. Vanessa’s Guided Meditations have been streamed over 1 Million times. She received her MBA from Stanford University, is a certified Executive Coach, and is trained in neurolinguistic programming, past-life regression hypnosis, and vipassana meditation. She lives in Lafayette, CA with her husband and two kids, who remind her to take “mommy time-outs” when she’s about to lose her marbles. Learn more at vanessaloder.com.
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Robyn Inabnit | robyn@vanessaloder.com
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