Happy New Year!! Woo hoo, 2019 here we go!

Start the year off right.

The New Year is such a wonderful opportunity for a fresh start. And yet, it can feel overwhelming to find the time and motivation to set goals for 2019.

Have you ever created a bold New Year’s resolution, then fallen off the wagon by February?

Big ideas with little action aren’t helpful.

Today, I want to share a little action that has a big impact.

Get clear on your intention for 2019.

What do you desire in 2019? What are you focused on in the New Year?

Choose one word or phrase for 2019.

I invite you to choose this word or phrase from your heart, not your mind.

To make this super easy, I’ve created a short guided meditation to help you tune into your heart and choose your word for 2019.

What’s Your Word – FREE Guided Meditation.

Plus, we have a free worksheet you can fill out with your word!











Get the 2019 “What’s Your Word” Guided Meditation + Worksheet HERE

Don’t rush it.

You can percolate on it for a while. After you do this short meditation, just sit with it for a few days.

Relax, go on a walk in nature, ponder it while you lie in bed at night or take a bath, get in touch with your heart and then ask; “hmmm, what word or phrase represents what I most desire in 2019?”

Let the word come to you, don’t grasp for it.

This word or phrase will be a wonderful anchor as you move through 2019.

I’ve done this process for the past several years. It’s both super easy and incredibly helpful.

You may also love to turn your word into a fun art project. You can use watercolors or take a photo of your word written in nature and make a collage.

Here are a couple examples of my word art from 2016 and 2019:



After you’ve filled in the worksheet, we’d love to know – what’s your word?!  Leave a comment BELOW.

May you create work and a life you love,


P.S. If you enjoy the “What’s Your Word” Worksheet, you’re going to love our Annual 2019 Soul Planner!  It includes the “what’s your word” worksheet, along with daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly and annual templates for you to fill in.









Get your 2019 Soul Planner on Amazon HERE

P.P.S. If you want another easy way to start the year off right, join our next 30 Day Meditation Challenge – STARTS Now!

You’ll receive a short (5 minute) guided meditation every day for 30 days.

It’s FREE, and only takes 5 minutes.

Join the 30 Day Meditation Challenge TODAY.


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