Your mind is powerful.

Your mind has helped you achieve great things. And it can also keep you stuck in unhealthy thought patterns.

How can you harness the power of your mind to full advantage?

Start by elevating your state of consciousness. (what the heck does that mean?!  Don’t worry, it’s easier than you think and doesn’t involve taking plant medicine.)

Put yourself in the seat of the observer.

Meditating is a great tool to do this. And today, I want to give you another option.

Right now, as you’re reading this email, can you see or observe yourself reading this email? As “you” read the email, can you simultaneously notice that there is another YOU who is watching “you” read this email?  

The observer is able to witness the protagonist.

Our 5-year-old daughter Eva is sensitive to being reprimanded. She really doesn’t like it.

Recently, she came up with a “trick” to feel better whenever she makes a mistake.

She told me; “Mommy, I just pretend I’m reading a story about myself and then I feel better.”

For example, she went on, “If I spilled paint at school and felt bad, I would say (in a funny, theatrical voice in her own head) ‘And then (imaginary drum roll)….the girl spilled the paint!’ And then I feel better.”

This act of narrating her mistake pulls her out of shame.

Narrating the story of what happened in a silly way allowed Eva to create some distance between the “self” that spilled the paint and her higher self.

She was no longer just the protagonist who spilled paint, feeling bad. She was the one reading the story about that protagonist.

From this larger vantage point, she could cope with what happened.

I’ve been practicing mindfulness and self-compassion for YEARS attempting to do what my 5 year old did in five minutes automatically!

Kids really are the best teachers.

Whenever I notice that my mind is not serving me, maybe I’m stuck in self-judgment or criticism, or I’m obsessing over something in an unproductive way (who me?!), I’ll try to elevate myself to the seat of the observer.

To see the bigger picture.

To be bigger than the me that is obsessing over someone else’s success (just a hypothetical).

Lately, I’ve been trying my daughter Eva’s technique and it works really well!

The next time you do something you’re not proud of, imagine a talk show host saying; “You’ve won….a new car!”

And then replace the words “You’ve won….a new car!” with; “And then….she yelled at her mother!” or “And then…she was lazy and unmotivated at work!”

Announce in a radio host voice (in your own head); “And then…[insert behavior you’re not proud of.]”

It works wonders!

It’s a quick, simple tool to elevate yourself to the non-judgmental observer.

Try it out and let us know how it goes!

How do you get out of a negative loop in your own mind? Let us know in the comments BELOW!


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Vanessa Loder
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