Tired of feeling unfulfilled at work?

Recently, a woman told me; “I’m tired of feeling unfulfilled at work. I just had a baby last year, and my time away from him is so valuable, I want to make sure I’m using it for something that gives me more purpose than what I’m doing today.”

[bctt tweet=”Babies are a powerful barometer for truth and meaning.” via=”no”]

I see this often with the women in my CWYL Program. Having a baby can really make you question your life, your values and your priorities.

Work needs to be worth it.

For many women (and men), once you experience the love, joy and fulfillment of being a parent (and lots of exhausting parts too!), it becomes harder to leave your child for a job that lacks purpose and deeper meaning.

You can find work that is fulfilling AND flexible.

Trust me, it is possible to create work you love that gives you greater purpose and feels worth the trade-offs.

And, you can find a job that gives you the flexibility to pursue other things you’re passionate about (including raising a human being!)

I’ve done this for myself, and supported thousands of women in figuring it out, and I know you can have it too.

I climbed to the top of the ladder only to realize…crap! Wrong ladder.

I used to work 100+ hour weeks in investment banking, went to Stanford Business School, and was a successful private equity investor before I realized that “success” hadn’t led to the happiness or fulfillment I deeply desired.

I did a lot of soul-searching and tried a bunch of “woo woo” stuff to find my purpose…and it worked!

Here’s what I discovered;

In order for you to create this new reality, you need to believe it’s possible.

And you need some tools, strategies and practices to get clear on what really matters to you, and what trade-offs you’re willing to make at this stage in your life.

You need to develop a game plan for a new path forward.

It’s important to take the time and space to develop a clear sense of what you want.

Let’s talk, one-on-one.

So, if you’re struggling to find work that’s fulfilling and meaningful, and you’re looking for focus and a clear plan of how to move forward, I’d love to chat with you!

Apply for a Free 1:1 Phone Strategy Session with Vanessa Today.

We’ll be opening registration for my next Create Work You Love (CWYL) program in just a few weeks, get on the Early Bird list by applying HERE.

I’d love to hear from you in the comments below!

How has having a baby been a truth barometer for YOU?


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Vanessa Loder
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