by Vanessa Loder | Oct 11, 2022 | Featured Post, New Release |
Woo hoo!! 🎉 Thanks to you and this community, The Soul Solution book launch last week was a huge success. The book was even ranked a #1 New Release!!! If you enjoy the book, please leave an Amazon Review HERE. If you don’t enjoy the book, you never read this. I don’t...
by Vanessa Loder | Apr 22, 2019 | New Release |
Recently, I was scheduled to have a coaching call with one of the women in our Tactical Magic Mastermind, which is a ten month program for CWYL grads. When we got on the phone, she was in the middle of making herself lunch and had just gotten back from multiple back...
by Vanessa Loder | Apr 16, 2019 | New Release |
A month ago, I volunteered in our daughter Eva’s kindergarten class with several other parents. There was one boy at my station who was struggling a bit with the craft project and couldn’t glue all the pieces into place before it was time to rotate to another table....
by Vanessa Loder | Apr 8, 2019 | New Release |
If you’re like most people, you wake up in the morning and immediately check your phone. Don’t start your day with other people’s priorities.When you check your phone first thing in the morning, how does it make you feel?Start your day on the right foot. If you begin...
by Vanessa Loder | Mar 28, 2019 | New Release |
I’ve been practicing this new technique from Abraham-Hicks in which I visualize each segment of my day and set an intention whenever I enter a new segment. New Trick: a simple way to focus and segment your day. We each go through various transitions from one segment...