Marie Forleo recently shared this quote from psychologist and computer scientist J.C.R. Licklider;

“People overestimate what can be done in one year, and underestimate what can be done in ten.”

Yesterday during our weekly Soul Planner Power Hour (you can join the next one January 13th), we did a guided visualization to imagine your past self ten years ago.

What were your hopes and dreams ten years ago? And how have things played out?

Reflecting on the past decade and all that our past selves have accomplished, everyone realized we’ve done a LOT over the last ten years! So much has happened; new life, painful loss and everything in between.

You’ve done a lot too. And you’re so resilient.

If you spend a few moments reflecting on the past ten years, I imagine you’ve been through a lot as well. And you’ve accomplished a tremendous amount. You’ve been places, met new people, completed big projects at work or at home, started and ended relationships, birthed a child or a business (or both!), and so much more.

Take a moment to tell that past version of you; “Thank you.”

Thank you for your resilience, for your joy and the love you give to others. Thank you for all that you’ve done, I wouldn’t be here today if it weren’t for you.

Did you remember to water the plants?

Part of the reason I feel so good reflecting on the past ten years is that I’m only focusing on the really big things. I’m not thinking about whether or not I remembered to water the plants or go to the DMV. And yet these small daily “to do’s” are often how we measure ourselves when we come up short in our own minds.

Measure yourself on the important things.

It’s easy to get caught up in daily tasks and feel like we’re not doing enough. If we can bring a broader perspective to mind and remember what truly matters, we’ll feel better.

We’re all exactly where we need to be. Let’s make 2020 the best decade yet!

If you want help creating a big vision for the next decade, stay tuned! We’ll be sending out more information for our 2020 Visioning Webinar in the coming weeks.

Until then, may you remember all that you’ve accomplished, all that you are and all that you’re still becoming with compassion and love,


P.S. We know a lot of you were traveling over the holidays and missed the 30 Day Meditation Challenge that started Jan 1st.

Exciting news…

We’ve extended the challenge for the entire month of January! You can join anytime and get your Day 1 meditation within 24 hours. Woo hoo!

Get on board today! Invite your friends and colleagues by sharing this link:


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Vanessa Loder
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