Are your days jam packed?

You’ve got big dreams. You feel like there’s great potential inside you, just waiting to come out. But it’s easy to get distracted and lose focus on what matters most when your to-do list is never ending and it never seems to go away!

You find yourself overwhelmed and caught up in other people’s demands. 

Where does the time go?!

Good news…the key to success isn’t magically getting more done. It’s getting more of the tasks that matter done.

So I’ll make this short and sweet. 

Here’s the best tool to help you stay focused on what really matters – YOU!

This Weekly Planning Guide will help you focus and accomplish more of what matters

For years, clients (and complete strangers!) have raved about this weekly planning guide.

Get your 2020 Soul Planner TODAY!

This annual and weekly planning guide is available on Amazon as a soft cover book, or on our website to download and print yourself.

As Suzanne said; 

I’ve tried pretty much every planning tool available and Vanessa’s weekly planning tool is something that I can’t live without.  It’s unique because it combines introspection with action and helps me keep on track, focused and productive. I absolutely love it!”

 If you’re feeling frazzled, use the Weekly Planning Guide in this Soul Planner – you’ll be amazed what a difference it can make!

 May you create work and a life you love,


 P.S. If you want step-by-step instructions on how to use the Weekly Planning Guide, watch this (FREE) mini-course on Skillshare: 

Watch the video HERE

Skillshare, an online learning platform, asked me to create some business classes for them. 

The Weekly Planning Guide was a no-brainer. 

It’s the best tool I know to help you get organized, stay focused on top priorities and make sure you carve out time for things that feed your soul each week. 

You can check out my Skillshare class: 3x Your Productivity with this Weekly Planning Guide HERE.

Plus, you’ll get to try Skillshare for FREE for 2 months. 

They have tons of cool classes on all kinds of creative + business topics (everything from watercolor envelope liners to making botanical prints to public speaking and productivity!)

If you’re looking for some inspiration in the New Year (and new decade!), try this class and anything else that sparks your curiosity for FREE in the next two weeks

P.P.S. Don’t forget to get your Soul Planner on Amazon today! It’s worth every penny. 

Want to save some money and DIY? 

Get the download and print version of the Soul Planner HERE.


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Vanessa Loder
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