Women’s History Month (shouldn’t it be herstory!?) is known as a time to celebrate, honor and acknowledge the inspiring and audacious women who have come before us.

(Not just audacious – bad ass! And sometimes bare ass…when they burned their panties in protest…I’ve never liked the word “panties.” Some of my friends recoil much more from the word “moist” but that’s neither here nor there. Ok..back on track.)

Don’t just honor – harness – the power of fierce women role models.

Did you know that in addition to honoring inspiring women, you can actually use their example and energy to propel you forward?!

Role models -> can help you break free from limiting beliefs and old constraints.

What is a limiting belief?

A limiting belief is any belief that is too small to hold all that you are.

As women, we’ve been inundated with limiting beliefs about our capacities and capabilities.

This is old news. The good news is we don’t have to stand for that sh*t.

The four minute mile.

When it came to running a four-minute mile, seeing living proof that the record could be broken propelled several other athletes to achieve the same supposedly impossible goal.

So what’s your four minute mile? What’s the new intention, goal or expansive vision you want to achieve and which women can you use as role models?

Years ago, I was struggling with the perceived trade-offs of growing my business, spending more time with my kids, and finding alone time to recharge my battery. I felt like something had to give, until I talked to a very successful teacher of mine, who has a growing business, spends plenty of time with her young daughter, and takes one whole day a week just for herself!

What?! That knowledge stretched my perceptions and broke my limits, for sure!

As I learned how she was balancing the various aspects of her life, it encouraged me to be more protective with my leisure time.

In the past, I’d taken days off work to spend with my kids, but it had seemed overly indulgent to take another day just for myself. At first I only took ten or fifteen minutes for myself, once or twice a week (not including self-care or working out; this was pure unstructured alone time). Gradually I built up to one to two hours. One day I hope to get to a place where I take a full day just for myself every week.

Meanwhile, my role model inspires me to keep moving toward that goal.

No matter what your goal, seek out role models who have achieved what you are hoping to do.

In parenting, a lot of us have been taught to act like martyrs, constantly sacrificing our needs. To counteract this cultural soup, I seek out role models who seem to have a more relaxed parenting style that includes plenty of self-care.

Your role models don’t have to be people you personally know. You can choose historical or well-known contemporary figures who inspire you.

On my altar above where I meditate, I have a candle featuring a picture of RBG (Ruth Bader Ginsburg) that brings a huge smile to my heart. When I want to call on fierce, feminine, world-changing energy, I light that candle and imagine RBG joining me in whatever I’m doing.

It feels amazing.

I have also called on the energy, inspiration, and examples of Joan of Arc, Gloria Steinem, Maya Angelou, Oprah Winfrey, Quan Yin, Isis (she helped me write my book!), and many others.

Whoever you choose as your role models, the point is to channel their wisdom and gifts to guide you forward.

Calling on Role Models and Fierce Feminine Energy:

The next time you want to feel supported—perhaps in a difficult conversation or taking a risk at work—take a few minutes to ground yourself and repeat these phrases:

“I, (your name), align with the light of love, wisdom, and truth. I call on my higher self to join me. I call on the energy of (role model) to join me in this endeavor. Help me to (your goal).”

For example,

I, Vanessa Loder, align with the light of love, wisdom, and truth. I call on my higher self and solar angel to join me. I call on the wisdom and grace of Isis. Help me to be a clear channel for insights, joy, ease, and clarity of thought throughout this writing process. And so it is. Aho.

As you imagine the energy of fierce, inspiring women leaders joining you in whatever endeavors you pursue, you will feel buoyed, energized and less alone.

Try it for yourself and let me know what you think – I really would love to hear from you!

Leave a comment BELOW. It’s always fun to hear how these tools work for other people. Use the invocation above, and let us know how it goes.

May you allow other women to inspire and energize you in the pursuit of your boldest dreams.

Together, we rise,


P.S. If you haven’t listened to our Loving Kindness for Ukraine, check it out now!

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Vanessa Loder
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