Have you ever done something to please others without even realizing it? Me too!

Did you know I almost launched a baby products business before realizing I wasn’t even interested in baby products?!

I was way off track.

It took me a long time (and quite a penny!) to find my way back to a life of joy, purpose and ease (and it’s still a work in progress).

Today, I’m giving you more information on the The Soul Solution LIVE course. This course condenses ten years of soul searching into an easy-to-follow format that you can apply to your life immediately. Yippee!

In the three month LIVE Soul Solution course, you’ll get:

• A weekly 10-20 minute pre-recorded audio lesson on each chapter of The Soul Solution book (listen at your leisure)
• Weekly Live Coaching Calls with Vanessa (that’s me!)
• Group discussion, breakouts and Q&A sessions on every topic
• Support, learning and accountability from our global community
• Exclusive new content and cutting edge thinking on the topics, not shared anywhere else
• Action steps to help you apply the coaching tools to your life
• Fun, explorative ways to follow your heart and intuition to a life of greater joy + ease

What is the Soul Solution Course, you may be wondering?

Well, I had this kind of crazy, definitely fun idea to teach a live class on each chapter of The Soul Solution book (that’s the fun part), and instead of asking people to pay money for the course, I thought it would be cool to have them buy ten copies of the book to give away to people who their energetic breadcrumbs lead them to (that’s the crazy, and hopefully also fun part!).

The Soul Solution Course involves (mostly) weekly calls starting Wednesday, Sept 18th from 11:30 – 12:45 pm PST where I’ll be taking you through the various coaching tools from each chapter of The Soul Solution.

Each week we’ll do a short guided meditation, apply a coaching tool, and discuss the prior week’s activity + coaching tool in breakout groups. Plus you’ll have some laser coaching and Q&A with me!

Once you register, you’ll have access to all the calls and recordings.

You don’t have to join every call, you can pick and choose based on the topics you’re most interested in. (although you’ll get much more out of it if you join all the calls!) You must register and buy 10 copies of the book to join any of the calls.

What’s the intention?

The primary purpose of this course is to have fun and support you in allowing and experiencing more joy, ease, abundance, creativity, authentic alignment and connection (to yourself + to all of life). And to inspire you to support others in doing the same.

Basically, to change your life from the inside out. No big deal. Just your average Wednesday.

This is an experiment.

It’s an experiment in energy and the exchange of energy. And, it’s an experiment to support you in tuning into your own intuition + energetic breadcrumbs.

Here’s what we’re going to do.

The Live Course is FREE (includes eleven 75 minute calls with me over 3 months, which would normally cost ~$1,497).

The requirement to join is that you purchase a minimum of 10 copies of The Soul Solution book.

You will then be following your own intuition and energetic breadcrumbs to give away those books to ten people who cross your path over the next three months.

All you need to do is REGISTER HERE

In addition, at the end of the course, you’ll have the opportunity to offer an energetic contribution in the form of money for the value you received from the course. (1,000% optional)

Lately, I’ve been feeling into True Currency, which is beyond money and involves an exchange of energy. If you want to offer some true currency at the end of the live program, we’ll give you an opportunity to do so. But there’s no requirement.

I’m offering this from an energy of love and the desire to be useful.

My intentions are to have fun, be authentic + vulnerable and create conditions that support you in thriving in your fullest expression. All the rest is gravy!

So, please join us in this adventure. I hope to see you on September 18th.

May you create a life of joy, meaning and true connection to yourself and all of life,


P.S. If you have a friend or family member who wants to join, please share this link: https://forms.gle/VnEJprxdvsnYjGLk6

P.P.S. You can JOIN HERE.


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