Many ambitious women tell me; “Vanessa, I want a meaningful, meaty role at work that doesn’t require me to sacrifice so much of my personal life.”

The nature of work is changing.

Employees want more flexibility, and companies interested in attracting and retaining top talent will need to change outdated structures to accommodate a dynamic and diverse workforce.

Thanks to advances in technology, we’re plugged in 24/7.

Being available all the time can lead to burnout, but it also offers more flexibility if leveraged effectively.

According to a groundbreaking study released by Werk last week, 96% of the workforce needs some form of flexibility, yet only 42% have access to the flexibility they need.

The gap between the supply and demand for flexibility is even more pronounced for women,

where only 34% have access to the flexibility they need. Interestingly, millennial men are also an underserved population when it comes to flexibility.

How can you get your company or boss on board?

This new research found that employees with access to flexibility have net promoter scores 48 points higher than those without access to flexibility.

Werk’s study shows exactly why flexibility is better for the bottom line:

  • Retention: This study found that employees without access to flexibility are 2x more likely to leave their job for a more flexible alternative.
  • Engagement: Employees without access to flexibility are 2x more likely to be dissatisfied at work.
  • Health & Wellness: 39% of millennials and 36% of employees overall say the structure of their workday prevents them from making time for healthy living. The average company spends upwards of $10,000 per employee on healthcare.
  • Productivity: 29% of people said that the structure of their workday makes it difficult for them to perform optimally.
  • Gender Diversity: A lack of flexibility is one of the top reasons women leave the workforce, and flexibility is a woman’s #1 search criteria in looking for a new role. 95% of women need access to flexibility, but only 34% of them have access to the flexibility they need—at 61%, this is the largest flexibility gap among any employee demographic.
  • An Inclusive Workplace:  Werk found that employees with access to flexibility are 20% more likely to believe they work in an environment that fosters diverse points of view.

Of the 30% of credentialed women who leave the workforce, 70% say they would have stayed if they had access to flexibility.

Achieving gender parity helps the bottom line. One HBR study found that going from having no women in corporate leadership (the CEO, the board, and other C-suite positions) to a 30% female share is associated with a 15% increase in profitability.

Flexibility does more than improve the bottom line – it’ll make your company ahead of the curve in a changing landscape.

I’d love to hear from you! Have you needed or wanted more flexibility at work? And if so, how did you make that request?  Leave a comment BELOW and let us know.

To learn more about your personal flexibility needs, you can take Werk’s free assessment here.

Which part of this research do you find the most interesting or compelling?! I really would love to hear from you! Leave a comment BELOW.


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Vanessa Loder
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