Have you ever pleased others at the expense of your own desires?

(Um..guilty as charged!)

Or have you ignored your inner voice for what you “should” do?

(Yup, I’ve done that one too.)

Since quitting my job in finance to start my own business, I’ve had to continually let go of what I “should” do and learn to access and trust my own inner wisdom instead.

It’s taken me years to learn how to listen to my inner guidance system.

Today, I want to help you do the same.

I took the best practices, tools and meditations I know and put them all into this brand new 10 Day Course:  Speaking and Living Your Deeper Truth.

The 10 Day Course is now available for FREE on the Insight Timer App!











Get the 10 Day Course Now


Speaking and living your deeper truth is scary.

We often keep ourselves small out of a perverse loyalty to other people. It’s scary to disappoint others, or go against society’s definition of what we “should” do. But when you betray yourself, ultimately, you betray others as well.

Learning to access and trust your deeper truth will give you a more joyful, fulfilling life.

According to Bronnie Ware, a palliative care nurse who wrote a book on the Top 5 Regrets of the Dying, the most common regret is; “I wish I’d had the courage to live a life true to myself, not the life others expected of me.”

In this 10 Day Course, you’ll learn how to cultivate the courage and clarity to live a life true to you. (in 18 minutes a day!)

You’ll be lead through a powerful process to access and trust your own truth in any situation – big or small. As you learn to access your deeper truth, you’ll begin to listen to your soul’s whispers rather than the loud voice of ego, and let go of the fear of disappointing others in favor of honoring your own needs.

You’ll leave this course feeling greater freedom from fear and self-doubt, with the confidence and ability to access your inner guidance system in any situation, and a newfound capacity to trust this deeper truth and take aligned action.  Aww yeah!

Download the Insight Timer app (for free) to join this 10 Day Course:


May you create work and a life you love,

…and learn to speak and live your deeper truth!


P.S.  Since you’re part of our special community, you get early access.  🙂

Click the link below to download the Insight Timer app and get started:


This BRAND NEW (and totally free) course just went live 24 hours ago!


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Vanessa Loder
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