It’s hard to believe it’s been over a year since COVID first began. For some of you, things are finally getting back to normal, whatever that is. For others, perhaps you feel like normal is a thing of the past and you are trying to find footing in this new reality.

As a way of reflecting and honoring all that has transpired over the past year, we’re inviting you to revisit our “Bringing Calm to COVID” series.

Today, we’re sharing an interview with Marc Lesser on “Falling Apart to Keep it Together”

Marc is…

These Calm to COVID virtual gatherings brought together some of the world’s leading wisdom teachers to offer resources and inspiration during challenging times. 

We’ll be sharing more of our wisdom teacher interviews over the coming weeks. Here are some of the folks you’ll be seeing:

More than anything, we want you to remember that you’ve been through a lot this past year. We can take it for granted that we’ve been under additional strain because it’s been going on for so long. So please remember to continue cutting yourself a lot of slack, be extra kind and gentle with yourself, and take the time and space you need to come home to you.

We hope our Calm to COVID series will help you do just that, beginning with Marc’s session HERE.

May you create work and a life you love,



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Vanessa Loder
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