Thank you to those of you who answered our quick survey on how to Create Work You Love

(it’s not too late if you want to send me your top two questions HERE)

One of the most common questions we got was:

How do you get started?

How do you begin taking your first step to create work you love? 

This question is useful for everyone and can be applied to any positive change in your life.

Whether you want to improve your health, relationships, financial situation or career, how do you get started?

All positive change starts with being intentional about what you want.

You must spend time reflecting and asking yourself; “Hmmm, what would I like?” 

It’s important to be honest about what’s not working and get clear on what you would like instead. 

In NLP coaching, there’s a funny pattern when you ask a client; “So, what would you like?” the person will invariably respond with what they don’t want that’s currently happening to them. 

It’s easy and automatic to complain and describe in great detail all the things you don’t like. It’s actually much harder to spend time and focused attention describing what you do want. 

I teach this stuff, and yet I catch myself complaining about what I don’t want all the time. It takes intentional effort to get clear on what you do want and stay focused on it!

So…how can you get started?

There’s a quick and simple tool to clarify your intentions and create positive change in your life.

Make a Commitment Statement.

A Commitment Statement is a positive declaration of your intentions.

Here’s a quick video and free handout to help you make your own Commitment Statement:

I like to create Commitment Statements to describe what I want in my life and help me stay focused on the positive. Here are two that I’m reading every morning right now:

I commit to discovering deep connection, joy, love, upliftment and true partnership with Brent (my husband). 

I commit to joyfully supporting millions of women in living more in alignment with their soul and creating lives of purpose, fulfillment and Truth.

When I was going through a major transition with my career, I used this simple statement:

I commit to finding work I love.

Gay Hendricks, one of my mentors who taught me this tool, uses this catch all phrase:

I commit to expanding in abundance, success, and love every day, as I inspire those around me to do the same. 

Over the years, I’ve played around with lots of different versions such as:

I commit to joyfully discovering work I love and expanding in creativity and financial abundance every single day.

Feel free to copy any of these or follow the instructions to create your own Commitment Statement.

Repetition is important for the subconscious mind.

After you’ve written your Commitment Statement, re-read it every morning when you first wake up and every night before going to sleep. The last minute before you fall asleep stays in your subconscious mind for up to seven hours while you’re sleeping.

Start with an intention, the actions will follow. 

After reading your Commitment Statement, you may feel inspired to reach out to someone, or take a specific action. Do it. 

You’ll also begin to notice the ways you already have these things in your life. The Commitment Statement serves two purposes 1) It helps you invite in more of what you desire in your life and 2) It helps you see the ways you already have (some of) what you desire in your life.

Recently, when I read the Commitment Statement about my marriage, I suddenly felt inspired to walk over to my husband and give him a spontaneous hug. I’ve also noticed I’m able to give him the benefit of the doubt and have more compassionate interactions with him after reading my Commitment Statement. 

It ain’t easy having two little kids in quarantine, and this new Commitment Statement has really helped my marriage! Try it for yourself: I commit to discovering deep connection, joy, love, upliftment and true partnership with xxx (your partner or someone you care about).

If you live alone and are struggling with isolation during COVID, you could try something like this;

I commit to savoring my own company and joyfully using this time to freely explore my authentic desires and dreams.

Bonus Step: Decrease the negative and increase the positive. 

If you want to take things even further, see if you can stay focused on the positive when talking to others.

Decrease the negative: When you’re talking to someone about your life, notice if you’re complaining about what you don’t want and stop immediately. You don’t have to quickly switch to the positive, sometimes it’s hard, scary or awkward to share our dreams and hopes. Simply stop complaining and refocus on your new commitment in your own mind. 

Not gonna lie, when my hubby is annoying me, I’ll think of my Commitment Statement and focus on connection instead of criticizing him in my own mind and it makes a world of difference! I don’t say anything out loud, but my whole attitude towards him shifts.

Increase the positive. Journal about what you do want in as much detail as you can, especially when you’re in a good mood. Read your commitment statement daily or whenever you notice you’re veering off course.

Give it a go by creating your own Commitment Statement right now for whichever area of your life you’d most like to improve. 

Read your Commitment Statement every day for the next week and see what happens.

Sharing your new Commitment Statement with a supportive audience can feel scary, but it’s also really powerful – so please share your Commitment Statement in the comments BELOW! 

It’s inspiring to read other people’s Commitment Statements, plus it’s a brave way to make a public declaration and hold yourself accountable to your new intentions. 

May you create more of what you want in your life today and every day,


P.S. Our next session for Create Work You Love starts this fall!

If you’re interested in learning more, join our CWYL Early Information list by clicking here. This will put you on the list to receive details about the course and give you access to our fabulous early bird discount, too.

Photo Credit: Hudson Hintze


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Vanessa Loder
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