Happy 4/20! Some of you are stopping the anxiety spiral with a healthy dose of medical marijuana today. Don’t forget to puff and pass people! 😉

Stop feeling low.

For those of you who want to avoid feeling low without getting high… (see what I did there? It’s a bad pun)

Here’s our next video in the Calm to COVID series:

“Stopping the Anxiety Spiral and Taking Wise Action with Vanessa Loder”

In this video, you’ll learn…well, some cool stuff. 



P.S. If you missed our video last week with our favorite corporate monk Marc Lesser, a Zen monk who co-founded the Search Inside Yourself program at Google, you can check it out HERE.

P.P.S. Puff and pass the wisdom by sharing this video with anyone you know who wants to stop the anxiety spiral: https://vanessaloder.com/calm-to-covid-vanessa-stopping-anxiety/


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Vanessa Loder
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