Today we’re sharing a video from our 21 Day Abundance Challenge…

This “Chair Technique” is one of my all time favorite tools to get clarity on literally *anything* and it takes less than 4 minutes:

While the example I use in this video is based on your relationship with money, you can use this technique for anything you want.

Simply put whatever you want to heal, transform or get clarity on in Chair #2 and follow the same instructions.

For example, I’ve done this exercise with clients where we put the Divine Feminine in Chair #2.

The result was profound healing and deep insights.

Give it a whirl, and let me know in the comments how you like it!

And, if you enjoy this exercise and want more ways to expand in abundance, it’s never too late to join our 21 Day Abundance Now Challenge!

You’ll get a short (2-6 min) video each day for 21 days with tools, guided meditations and journaling prompts to help you expand in abundance, ease and joy. It’s pretty awesome stuff, if I do say so myself. And it’s totally free and available to anyone.

Because, hey, you rock. And you deserve to have all your desires fulfilled. Without all the struggle or the sacrifice.

It all starts with saying YES to life. Saying YES to ease. Saying YES to joy.

So, if this tickles your fancy, say YES to more and join the 21 Day Abundance Now Challenge!

Big love to you and all three of your chairs,



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