Falling apart to keep it together

It’s hard to believe it’s been over a year since COVID first began. For some of you, things are finally getting back to normal, whatever that is. For others, perhaps you feel like normal is a thing of the past and you are trying to find footing in this new reality. As...

My husband’s bolognese

Last week, I got frustrated at my husband for saying he would be in charge of a bolognese pasta sauce and then not following through.  He’s had a lot going on at work, and I’ve been picking up the extra slack at home. Mostly I don’t mind.  When my mom died last...

Is it a problem?

I made you this little video: Is it a problem?  Watch Now Whether you believe something is a problem, or not, you’re right. Notice when you’re in “problem energy.” When you’re tackling a new challenge at work, or in your personal life, take a step back and ask –...

The Importance of Renewal

This is an updated version of this original blog post. Straight to the next. These days, it seems we’re often eager for the next thing. The next promotion. The next event. The next vacation. The next big project. The next world leader. I learned this powerful...

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