Fill your cup. Own your gifts.

I just got back from our Create Work You Love Women’s Retreat this past weekend and I’m still on an emotional and energetic high! We had such an incredible tribe of women join this four-day event. We laughed, we cried, we did yoga in the redwoods every morning and ate...

The Invisible Work (Most) Women Do

Check out this Podcast: The Invisible Work (Most) Women Do Earlier this week, I had dinner with several of my dear girlfriends. We all have young children, some of us work outside the home and some are full-time mothers working inside the home. As we talked about the...

Are You a Formula Follower?

Quick announcement before today’s blog: Registration is officially OPEN for the Create Work You Love (CWYL) Program! Woo Hoo! JOIN NOW Create Work You Love is a 4 month online career program for women at a crossroads or major transition. Learn more and register HERE....

The good news about jealousy

Jealousy is a back door to clarity. Years ago, when I first contemplated quitting my job in finance, I looked around at my classmates from Stanford Business School and realized I didn’t want any of their jobs! I wasn’t excited to be a consultant, or a banker, or to...

Two sisters, two stories

My wake up call. (Warning: long story coming your way…but it’s worth the read!) Today, I want to share two stories of Soul Awakening with you. Mine and my sister’s. In 2009, after working with an Executive Coach for over a year, I decided to quit my job. I had...

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