3 quick (free) tools to gain clarity

The answers you seek are already inside you. You have all the answers, all you need to do is quiet down long enough to hear them. The body never lies. We each have a deep wisdom inside us, waiting to be heard. Your body is a compass. So many women have told me things...

FREE Career Coaching Video

As some of you know, after a successful career on Wall Street and an MBA from Stanford, I felt like I’d climbed to the top of the ladder only to realize…crap! Wrong ladder!! I was “successful” on the outside, but inside, I was craving deeper...

Why babies are truth barometers

Tired of feeling unfulfilled at work? Recently, a woman told me; “I’m tired of feeling unfulfilled at work. I just had a baby last year, and my time away from him is so valuable, I want to make sure I’m using it for something that gives me more purpose...

Do you have a past life?

A lot of people who are curious about past lives ask me about my work doing hypnosis and past life regression, so I thought it was high time I wrote about it! The cool thing about past life regression (which is when you hypnotize someone and guide them back to a past...

What’s Love Got To Do With It?

It’s almost Valentine’s Day, and in honor of this day that’s all about love, here are some of my best tools for feeling loved. It’s easy to give love to others. Do you take care of everyone else, but forget yourself?! It’s not so easy to give the same love to...

What to Do When You Don’t Get What You Want

Have you ever wanted something so badly, with every fiber of your being? And then not gotten it. “It’s not fair.” “Why me?” “I’m never going to get what I want.” “This sucks.” Disappointment. Anger. Frustration. Sadness. Despair. When you don’t get what you want, you...

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