what seeds are you planting?

You haven’t heard from me in a couple weeks because…I was on a five day silent meditation retreat with Jack Kornfield! It was truly divine. Well, truth be told, the first two days I thought; “What the heck am I doing here?! This is how I choose to spend my...

One foot in each world

When I was 6 years old, my mom asked; “how was the first day of school?” and I replied in a very important tone; “Mom, I have homework.”    Ambitious and focused.  According to my mom, I immediately proceeded to sit down at the dining room table and wouldn’t go play...

We need to be brave, not perfect.

Women today feel a ton of pressure to be perfect.  Whether it’s delivering a presentation at work flawlessly, losing the baby weight quickly, being the perfect hostess, or the best parent, friend, partner or daughter, there are a lot of roles and expectations placed...

Create Work You Love…coming in October!

Recently, we’ve been getting inquiries about our upcoming courses. With summer coming to an end (at least in the northern hemisphere) and fall creeping up (please CVS, don’t stock halloween candy and pumpkins just yet), many of you are planning ahead and thinking...

Want a better relationship? Try this.

After our recent blog about dealing with negative colleagues at work, several people reached out asking; “Can you please write about how to come together with your partner?” What if one person in a relationship changes? One woman asked;  “How can I be close to my...

want to sleep better?

Are you well rested? According to the CDC, 1 in 3 adults do not get enough sleep.  Some crazy facts: In 1910 the average person slept 9 hours a night. Roughly 20% of Americans have a sleep disorder. Since 1985 the percentage of adults getting less than six hours of...

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